This document details the acceptable usage of the website, along with its associated web services and server infrastructure. It also addresses our content moderation policy, as well as the expected performance and availability of the site.
Image Usage Terms
Clipart Licensing: All images on our website are classified as Public Domain Images. The term “public domain” refers to creative works that are not protected by intellectual property laws like copyright, trademark, or patent laws. These works are owned by the public rather than by any individual author or artist. Anyone can use public domain works without needing to seek permission, although they can never be owned by anyone. You are free to use these images for both personal and commercial purposes.
While we have meticulously researched the images and content available on this site, there is always a chance that some images may not fall under public domain. Certain images might feature individuals, products, logos, trademarks, designs, or other properties that may have restrictions. Privacy, publicity, and other rights may apply, and these images could be subject to Fair Use laws. It is your responsibility to ascertain and secure the necessary rights to use such images in accordance with local laws.
Disclaimers and Warranties offers content and images “as is” without any kind of warranty, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The entirety of the risk regarding the quality and performance of the content is borne by you. Should any part of or its content turn out to be defective or not part of the public domain, you will be responsible for covering all costs related to servicing, repair, correction, or any other expenses arising from the use of content or images sourced from and any derivatives of your work that include or are derived from content from
In no case shall be liable for any damages, including lost profits, financial losses, or any special, incidental, or consequential damages (such as data loss or inaccuracies, losses incurred by third parties, or issues with the functionality of images/software with other programs) resulting from the use or inability to use the site or its contents, even if you have been alerted to the potential for such damages or for any claims made by others.
This website is designed for access via standard web browser software through direct human interaction. Except for publicly accessible RSS feeds in XML format, the website and its related files should not be accessed through automated means such as scripts, bots, or automated applications. Please note that should you employ automated methods to access or download the website—entirely or partially—your access may be restricted, halted, delayed, or slowed down, whether temporarily or permanently, especially if attempting to download multiple large files at once.
This measure is in place to safeguard the user experience for individuals who access the site as intended by its creators. Be aware that automated access via scripts, bots, or similar methods can significantly degrade site performance or incur substantial additional costs for operators without sufficient revenue to offset those expenses. Even minor infractions against this policy can compound negatively when aligned with similar actions by other users.
We ask that you adhere to these guidelines to help us maintain the site as a free resource for all. Our focus is on utilizing our human and financial resources to enhance and expand the website’s features and content. Your cooperation is crucial.
Directly hyperlinking to images and other substantial files hosted on is strictly prohibited without our permission. You are welcome to link directly to individual web pages.
Aside from publicly available RSS feeds in XML format, no files or services on this site should be integrated into any other online service or application without the explicit written consent of the website operators.
The website operators strive to ensure the availability and performance of and its related services. However, we cannot guarantee uptime or accessibility. The website may occasionally experience inaccessibility, wholly or partially, due to planned or emergency maintenance, feature upgrades, bug fixes, server migrations, hardware upgrades and failures, or to prevent unauthorized use, hacking, or exploitation of the site and its resources.
The website, along with its owners, collaborators, and partners, shall not be held legally or financially liable for any loss, damage, or injury incurred as a result of the use of or association with, its related sites, content, services, or infrastructure.
If you have any concerns regarding the website, please reach out to the operators using the Contact link.